Mipro MP-820 Dual-slot Charging Station

Mipro MP-820 Dual-slot Charging Station

7 Recenzii
649,00 lei
cu TVA

Incarcator dual

  • Proiectat exclusiv pentru transmițătoarele reîncărcabile MIPRO cu contacte de încărcare.
  • Permite încărcarea a două transmițătoare portabile/de corp.
  • Indicatoarele afișează starea de încărcare.
  • Partea inferioară a încărcătorului are spațiu rezervat pentru gestionarea cablurilor, reducând efectiv riscul ca ștecherul să fie lovit și detașat.
  • Accesoriile de conectare permit configurarea ușoară a unui sistem de încărcare la scară largă.

Credit module tbi bank 3.3.5

172.61 Lei x 4 rate

  • Nume: Stație de încărcare cu două sloturi
  • Tensiune de intrare: 10 – 15 V / 1 A
  • Tensiune de ieșire: 5,3 V
  • Max. Curent de ieșire 0,6 A fiecare slot
  • Indicatori: Indicator de alimentare și indicatori de stare de încărcare
  • Modele compatibile: ACT-800H, ACT-800T, ACT-700H, ACT-700T, ACT-500H, ACT-500T
  • Culoare: Negru
  • Dimensiuni: 150 × 91 × 92 mm (L × H × D)
  • Greutate: Aproximativ. 258 g
7 Recenzii

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To the discosystem.ro Administrator.
Million sales! An e-cigarette and HTP accessory to cope with the flavor ban and avoid losing 95% of customers. Hi there, Have you ever thought that a flavor ban could put 80% of e-cigarette companies out of business? I’m Mark from an E-cigarette Intelligence Company. We found your site by searching for inhalation products. discosystem.ro In recent years, we have observed that e-cigarette and HTP flavor bans may become a global trend. We are contacting you to provide you with free samples of flavor sticks and to explore the possibility of collaboration. Perhaps you can copy our success in China to your field. In October 1, 2022, in response to China’s ban on e-cigarette flavors, a flavor stick came into being. It is a legal accessory that can be used on e-cigarettes, HTPs and cigarettes to add flavor to them. In just 3 months after its launch, 1 million boxes were sold, with a market share of 80%. It's always good to be prepared for a rainy day, and there's no risk involved. Acting quickly is the key to victory. Click the link and fill out the email to get your FREE SAMPLES now! https://ineedflavor.com Best regards, Mark If you'd like to unsubscribe click here: https://removemefromlist.com/?site=discosystem.ro

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